Post a job
Fill in your job details and upload a banner to attract applicants!
FastGig connects you to on-demand talent, offering fast and flexible hiring to meet seasonal or urgent demands.
Spend lesser by choosing FastGig over manpower agencies. Access flexible skilled workers directly, without exorbitant fees.
Talent sourcing, schedule management, logging attendance and payroll are just a click away.
Tap into a database of diverse skills and experience. View applicants' profiles before shortlisting to find the best fit for your role.
No upfront payment. Activate workers within 24 hours and only pay when shift is completed.
We got your back! FastGig manages ALL workplace accidents and compensations.
Fill in your job details and upload a banner to attract applicants!
Add shifts based on work date and time.
Start viewing applicants and scheduling them for your shifts!
Choose from a self-served platform or a fully managed service based on your business needs
Want to control every aspect of your gig workers? Choose our self-served service here.
Hands-off, sit back and relax. Let us manage everything for you.
Includes job posting, sourcing, scheduling, attendance, reports, replacements, reminders, & payroll
Get the flexible manpower you need for a fraction of your budget!
Still have unanswered questions not indicated below? Why not reach out to our team here.
No, we are not. FastGig is an App that bridges Hirers to Gig Workers (and vice versa). We have 55,000 registered Malaysian only freelancers, who are waiting to pick up your Gigs based on their availabilities.
Sure! FastGig complements your existing services – Recruitment Agency or job boards you’ve subscribed to. It can help fulfil on-demand or entry-level gig jobs' staffing needs, at a much more affordable cost.
Fortunately, FastGig does not charge by ‘placement fee’ as we are not a Recruitment Agency. We are charging by a Platform Fee or Service Fee, depending on the model of solutions you decide to go for. There will be a X% tagged to the hourly rate of your Gig Workers' pay.
No, and this is in fact one of the perks of FastGig! We are highly flexible -- you use our services only when you require. Else, do just keep us in view and come back when your need arises!
Different Gig Workers come with different skillsets and experience. With this said, FastGig shares all of the Gig roles that our Gig Workers have ever done on our platform, openly. They are mainly Gigs that require minimal skillsets and anyone who applies to the Gig, will be able to fulfil. We focus very much on Gig roles from Warehouse / Logistics, F&B and Retail sectors.
Hear from what some of our most successful clients say about FastGig.
FastGig is prompt and effective in securing regular gig workers for us on a weekly basis. The platform is user-friendly, making it easy to navigate and manage.
The quality of gig workers that have worked for us has been a joy. They're equipped with the necessary skills and are proactive in providing assistance.
FastGig is prompt and effective in securing regular gig workers for us on a weekly basis. The platform is user-friendly, making it easy to navigate and manage.
The quality of gig workers that have worked for us has been a joy. They're equipped with the necessary skills and are proactive in providing assistance.